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Cobb Broiler Yield Performance Slovenija

May 05, 2024

Cobb Broiler Yield Performance

Meat yield is dependent on many factors, but those that have the most influence are weight, age, and nutrition.

● Weight

Carcass and breast meat yield increase as a function of live weight at any given age.

● Age

Carcass and breast meat yield increase as a function of age.

Older birds processed at the same weight as their younger counterparts will often yield more.

● Feed, yield, and economics

Carcass composition is affected by nutrition.

Rations of varying nutrient density will affect yield in different ways. Cobb data has shown that protein and amino acids can be elevated by approximately 8 % for the purpose of increasing breast meat yield, although higher feed cost per unit of live weight may be a secondary result.

For the most economical feed per unit of live weight, lower amino acids may be more applicable, although a slower growth rate and higher FCR may be a secondary result.

The exact overall levels of amino acids should be determined by ingredient prices and finished product values (from the processing plant).

The Cobb500 is a flexible broiler that can bring good costs from low amino acid density feeds, or will respond with accelerated growth and breast yield using high amino acid levels.